🌲🛠️My Backstory

Here is how we got here. . .

Hey there!

I came to reflect that my career is a testament to the idea that life's path is often not a straight line, but a rich tapestry of unexpected turns and newfound passions. My journey to woodworking is more than a career shift; it's a reflection of life's unpredictable nature and the beauty of embracing change.

Woodworking was always an intrinsic part of who I am.

🩺🌳From Nursing to Nurturing Creativity

I'm from a small town in Kentucky, where my life was deeply rooted in the joys of nature and creation. As a devoted husband to Laura and a father to four incredible children, I spent 15 years in nursing, learning the virtues of compassion and patience.

However, there was always a part of me that yearned for something more – a return to my roots in woodworking and business, passions that have been a big part of my younger years. I was that kid who would ask Santa for lumber and tools instead of toys, the one who couldn't be pulled away from the great outdoors. This love for crafting and creating only intensified over the years.

Me with my boys. . .crazy how fast time passes.

3 years ago, If you had told me I'd be on TikTok or YouTube, I would have laughed. I barely knew what they were. But, spurred by a playful bet with my kids, I started making videos on woodworking tips and DIY. I thought, if people are scrolling through these apps, why not teach them something valuable? I began showcasing basic life skills on TikTok, like house repairs and fixing appliances. To our astonishment, it blew up. It's astounding that a hillbilly teaching woodworking and DIY tips could reach so many.

So here I am, continuing this journey. It was a leap of faith, driven by a deep-seated desire to pursue my true calling.  The feedback has been heartwarming, with people young and old saying they've found a new passion in woodworking, putting down their games and remotes to learn a skill. My goal is to continue sharing this passion with the world. Through my content, I aim to educate, inspire, and reassure you that, indeed, "You've got this!"

👨‍🎨 My Top Favorite Creation: “A Minute Past Midnight”

“Only in the darkness can people see your stars.”

I'm excited to share with you one of my latest projects, which I've named “A Minute Past Midnight.” This creation is a testament to seeing beauty in the unconventional. Initially inspired by a piece of wood that many would consider 'ugly' or 'useless,' I saw something different – a unique charm in its imperfections.

The project embodies the idea that, like this piece of wood, we often find ourselves shaped by society's pressures, striving to meet standards that may not align with our true selves. "A Minute Past Midnight" symbolizes the moment we break free from these expectations, revealing our authentic, beautifully flawed selves.

This piece is more than just a woodworking project; it's a reflection on life. It encourages us to live authentically, embracing our imperfections and realizing that those who truly appreciate us will love us for who we really are. It's a reminder that in our most genuine moments, our true beauty shines brightest, much like stars in the dark of midnight.

🛠️ Exclusive Woodworking Plans

For those who’ve felt a spark of inspiration, a desire to create with your own hands, I’ve put together comprehensive woodworking plans, now available in my Etsy shop. These plans are designed to guide you every step of the way, featuring exploded views, cutting layouts, and detailed, step-by-step instructions tailored to help you bring your own creations to life. To welcome you into this journey of creativity and craftsmanship, I’m offering a 10% discount when you use the code “NEWS10” at checkout.

Remember, in our world of woodworking, it's not just about following standards. It's about breaking the mold, pushing our limits, and being 'perfectly imperfect.' As I often say, live your life in your "minute past midnight" – let your true self shine, both in your life and your creations.

Can't wait to see what you'll create and share in our community. Welcome aboard, and let's make some sawdust!

Matthew Peech

P.S. Don't know where to start? Begin your journey with our $6 Planter - a perfect entry point to woodworking.